


If there was one industry at the center of the discussion in 2020, 很可能是医疗保健行业. From frontline workers going to battle for their COVID-19 patients to researchers working hard to develop a vaccine, 该行业几乎所有方面都面临着意想不到的一年.

But despite the hardships patients 和 workers endured, the healthcare system embraced change. The p和emic hastened new ideas 和 thrust some tried 和 true concepts back into the spotlight.

现在, as we all begin to emerge from the p和emic 和 look toward the second half of 2021, 这次大流行的许多教训将继续存在. 在这里 are some of the trends healthcare workers are seeing 和 how they’re transforming the industry:

远程医疗早已成为可能, but the p和emic necessitated its use for many routine health services to free up hospital resources 和 keep otherwise healthy patients safe. 现在 that patients 和 healthcare providers alike have seen the benefits, 这种情况很可能会持续下去. 医生和病人可以讨论 反复出现的条件, 皮肤状况, 紧急护理问题,如感冒, mental health concerns 和 more all without the commute 和 in-person interaction.

Smart technology has made its way into cars, homes 和 now healthcare facilities. 点击咨询 在2020年12月与30名医疗保健高管进行了交谈, 其中一些人提到了智能医院的兴起. 这可能包括智能摄像头, 演讲者, AI 和 wearable technology that would allow organizations to scale 和 automate the work of administrative 和 support staff members as well as to help doctors with data 和 diagnosis.

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, was a huge discussion in the early stages of COVID. 当PG电子游戏出现时, 人们正在以新的方式考虑个人防护装备. We could see new devices that allow doctors 和 staff to use h和s-free technology to communicate with patients 和 each other so they don’t have to don 和 remove new PPE when leaving a room for just a moment.

COVID-19影响 黑人、拉丁裔和土著人的比例更高, 和 the p和emic in general shined a bright light on the ways in which our healthcare system is not fair in terms of race, 种族和地理. 大流行后,这将成为一个问题 所有参与医疗保健的人都必须共同努力 全面检查以改善所有患者的预后.

大流行期间, those in the healthcare industry had no choice but to drop any barriers 和 work together for the greater good. 这种情况可能会持续下去 合作的方法 在医疗保健网络和 改善公共卫生数据基础设施 to bipartisan political efforts 和 a rejoining of the WHO on the world stage.

这会改变医疗助理的角色吗? 在某些方面,是的. Medical assistants may find themselves using new technology to collect patient data, 设置虚拟约会, learning new PPE practices or even using mobile platforms to help patients track their health throughout the year. 但最后, any changes are meant to support a better healthcare system as a whole 和 better outcomes for patients—which is always the goal of healthcare workers.

